A strong foundation is the cornerstone to success in every endeavor. When the roots are strong and firm, growth can be exponential. The Mooladhara Chakra acts as this  core foundation in human beings. Located at the Sacral Plexus, this subtle energy center is the seat of unawakened consciousness, or the sleeping Kundalini Shakti. In order to grow on the spiritual path and lead a healthy balanced life it is important to awaken and balance this center as this instills a sense of stability and strength ,especially on the physical and psycho physical plane. Awakening this center also acts as a direct impetus for awakening the ajna chakra.


The energy at this center is dense and almost primordial with potential for great strength and solidity much like the majestic elephant. The elephant is the largest and one of the most intelligent land animals. But when unhinged it can wreak havoc and cause great destruction.

The Root Chakra is governed by the element Earth. It presents as a four petaled lotus in deep earthy shades of red. The seed sound for this chakra is " LAM लं " and inscribed on the four petals are the Sanskrit letters VAM वं , SHAM शं , SHM षं , SAM सं  .
The three important subtle energy channels, Ida Pingala and Shushumna first emerge from mooladhara and act as conduits for movement of vital forces through the body. The awakening of this center is essential as it is the seat of Tamo guna or tamasic propensities. Egoic identification and attachment to the material world is strong here and unless balanced tendencies of greed, attachment, insecurities, guilt, and agony can take over the psyche.

One of the most beneficial asanas that can help with grounding is Vrukshasana the Tree Pose.

How to practice Vrukshasana

Begin by standing straight , with feet about shoulder width apart ,
arms relaxed alongside the body. Now slowly bend the right leg at the knee and place the right foot on the inside of the left leg at the top of the inner thigh. Take both arms above the head fully extended upwards and palms joined in prayer pose. Gaze ahead steadily. Hold the pose for 15 seconds and repeat with the other leg. As you get more accustomed to the posture and in gain endurance, you may increase the duration by a few seconds every few days till you can hold the posture comfortably for 5 minutes plus. To ensure a steady posture, you may hold your breath for a couple of seconds while you get into the position , thereafter keep the breath rhythmic and effortless. Keep the gaze fixed at one spot or close the eyes and visualize either the ajna chakra or the mooladhara in your mind's eye.
Mentally imagine the earth, supporting you and grounding you as you draw strength through your feet and toes as if they were the roots of a tree. While your arms reach out into the open sky like strong branches drawing inspiration and knowledge. For a variation you may practice arching the upper body over the bent leg to simulate a tree gracefully bending over in a strong breeze. Like a tree allow yourself to be supported by nature and develop an attitude of surrender as you flow in harmony with the rhythm of life.


Mooladhara Mantra

The patron deity for this chakra is Ganesha and his mantra ,
yantra as well as figurative form may be
successfully used to awaken this center. The beloved elephant God is invoked when embarking upon new projects. How apt it is therefore that we call upon him, when starting upon this journey of self discovery, by awakening the subtle energy body at the Root plexus. The beej mantra for lord Ganesha is as follows and one may chant it while meditating upon the mooladhara or practicing asanas for this center.

  GAN GANESHAYA NAMAH  गं गणेशाय नमः 



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